Are your students/children unable to read or spell? Are you tired of trying all kinds of programs that don’t really work? Are your students getting behind more and more as content gets increasingly difficult? Do they refuse to learn to read due to its elementary nature? The poor reading ability may not be the fault of your students; perhaps, it could be that the reading program being used doesn’t match your students’ strengths.
Breaking the “Sound” Barrier to Fluent Reading (BSB) by Sandra Martin
Breaking the “Sound” Barrier to Fluent Reading (BSB) teaches students with challenges to read fluently and spell words well. BSB is an intervention that really works and is interesting for all ages, even middle, high school, and adult. Sandra Martin, a classroom teacher with 38 years of experience, spent 20 years researching and designing BSB. She was tired of seeing no progress with programs that did not link to students’ strengths. Therefore, after a great deal of research, she created BSB and changed the courses of her students’ lives for the better. Most recently, a nonreader (who became a good reader after BSB) graduated from college with a degree in forensic medicine. This is just one of many examples of students’ successes following completion of BSB.
During the 20 years of perfecting BSB, Sandra gathered evidence of 1-4 years of reading growth in a single year. Sandra used a mixture of ideas from well-researched programs used in schools today and combined them with ideas from the longest known memory-enhancer, Memory Palaces and Loci. Middle school and high school students finally enjoy instruction that considers their visual, kinesthetic, and auditory strengths. One of many videos from BSB, Level 1 shows great retention of phonics throughout the years. This video reveals that students retain the sequential and fun reading instruction in BSB from year to year and increase their chances of success in their lives. Another video reveals students reading words from the Book of World Records. There are 57 videos that assist with teaching phonics in a memory-enhancing and fun way. When students no longer struggle with pronouncing words, reading comprehension also greatly improves. BSB follows state standards and common core related to phonics and reading fluency.
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Although BSB is simple to use, Sandra Martin fully supports BSB and is available as a resource to incorporate any part of the intervention into your classrooms or homes. Use the contact page to request help via email. It is time to fix reading problems before they get worse. ALL students can greatly improve their reading abilities with BSB.